Human Resources: Saudi Arabia is the second in the world in the fight against human trafficking

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Human Resources: Saudi Arabia is the second in the world in the fight against human trafficking

The Ministry of Human Resources announced in a report published recently that  more than 900 thousand companies have been paid guarantees,that more than 88 percent of all private companies have been paid the commitment to be fulfilled by2024, and that  more than 8.5 million companies have been paid wages to women and men working in the kingdom.

The ministry said that the total number of monthly payrolls reached 300,000 factories and the payroll reached 35 billion riyals, which helped the Kingdomreach second place  in the world in terms of preventing human trafficking, business cover-up and reducing dependence on cash. . doing business,attracting foreign investment from  companies in the region and providing  safe and attractive jobs for migrants.

The Financial Protection Project is one of the projects of the Ministry of Human Resources andSocial Development, which aims to provide a suitable and safe working environment for the private sector , increase and improve the Kingdom's Business efficiency by focusing on various issues.The most important of these is the development of the work of Saudis and workers abroad, the protection of their rights and institutions.

The Ministry announced the update of the program in 2020 through the Madad platform and provided the Payroll Management System, one of the most important  systems of the Paycheck ProtectionProgram, providing the necessary conditions for all organizations to use Individuals' Paycheck protection in a simple and easy way. 

The program also directly led to a reduction in the number of employees for the implementation ofthe program, including small companies, to achieve the goal of protecting the labor and labor rights of the program based on the salary data of all male and female workers. In addition to being monitored every month in the private sector, a simple and effective customer experience and  communication is also provided. is good for employers and women workers .

The salary management and transfer system provided by "MADAD" played a great role in enabling establishments to commit, and the system allows the establishment to commit with ease through salary transfer in short and easy steps, by directly linking with a wide network of banks and local banks in the Kingdom.

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